NAB Show

NAB Show


Julie Foley

Senior Customer Success Manager at Second Street

Julie Foley is the Senior Customer Success Manager at Second Street (Upland Software) with 18 years of experience working with local media. She's become a go-to expert in helping local media drive revenue and crafting audience engagement campaigns that deliver results.  Julie got her start in local media with Morris Multimedia in Savannah, Ga before joining the Second Street team. When she's not busy training sales teams, driving revenue, and boosting audience engagement, you can find Julie at the most magical place on Earth, making unforgettable memories with her family at Disney. Get ready to learn, laugh, and leave inspired—Julie is here to show you how to transform your approach to driving revenue results and engagement! 

Julie Foley


Using Sweepstakes to Drive Engagement

Tuesday, April 8 11 a.m. – 11:40 a.m. PDT