Unlimited Material Handling FAQ

Unlimited Material Handling
A lower cost fixed fee that’s simple and easy-to-budget
In 2019, NAB Show launched unlimited material handling to all Exhibitors who purchase exhibit space at NAB Show.
For a rate of just $3.95/sq.ft., Exhibitors receive unlimited material handling to and from the loading dock. This new, simple, fixed rate plan, covers any and all items you bring into the show – regardless of quantity, weight or volume. Additional fees apply to Advanced Warehouse Storage and Off Target Rates.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Material Handling?
Material Handling service is the unloading of materials at the dock and includes marshalling yard, unloading of shipments, distribution to booth, storage and return of empty containers, pick-up of materials at booth at show close, and reload onto
outbound carriers. Material Handling service includes the unloading and loading of POVs and the management of the POV process. Material Handling service also includes the spotting of vehicles (in and out).
How do I get it?
Unlimited material handling is included with your purchase of an indoor booth space. Step #3 of the Electronic Exhibitor Agreement shows your calculation.
What if I’m exhibiting outdoors?
The outdoor exhibit space rate includes Unlimited Material Handling. The fee is built into the outdoor space rate; therefore, outdoor exhibitors will not be charged an additional fee.
What if I’m exhibiting in a meeting room or hospitality suite?
If you have booth space and an on-floor meeting room, ship your materials to your booth and hand-carry your items to your meeting room to avoid any additional material handling fees. If you are exhibiting in a meeting room or a hospitality suite outside the exhibit hall and you require assistance with your materials, please contact Freeman for a quote.
Why did NAB move to this new flat fee model?
Exhibitors complained that material handling was too expensive, it limited what they could bring into the show, and rates were complicated and difficult to budget. The fixed fee is predictable, easy to budget, and unlimited — you can bring in whatever you want regardless of weight, size, or volume.
How did NAB determine that this new fee structure would be the best solution?
NAB’s new material handling rate structure is the result of a year-long study conducted on behalf of NAB by Tradeshow Logic with the support of the NAB Exhibitor Advisory Committee. Tradeshow Logic studied show operations, analyzed data and listened to feedback from Exhibitors and their Exhibitor Appointed Contractors.
A variety of different fee structures were considered and the impact analyzed. The fixed fee for unlimited material handling solved the most Exhibitor pain points for the most Exhibitors.
Is unlimited material handling optional?
No. Unlimited material handling now comes as a feature of your booth space for just $3.95/sq.ft.
To achieve the unprecedented savings that we are able deliver, we had to change the process to reduce the costs. The flat square foot fee universally applied to all Exhibitors simplifies and streamlines the management, tracking, and invoicing of the service, which makes it possible for us to make unlimited material handling affordable for all Exhibitors.
Will I still pay overtime charges if my shipment comes in on a weekend or an extra fee if my properties are pad wrapped or require special handling?
No. There will not be any overtime or special handling charges.
What other freight charges might I pay?
Shipping: Shipping is different than material handling. You will still pay your carrier to transport your materials to and from the convention center.
Advance Storage: If you wish to store your materials at the advance warehouse, you may do so at a cost of $7.40/cwt., based upon a 200lb. minimum per shipment. If your freight arrives late to the warehouse, your shipment will incur a $17.80 cwt late fee.
Booth Work: Any booth work performed will be at the Exhibitors’ expense. Examples of booth work include lifting headers, positioning displays/equipment, or any work which requires special equipment, such as a crane, and/or any freight which requires assembly, unskidding, uncrating, unbolting or stacking.
Target Date: Your shipment does need to arrive on your target date. A schedule will be published in the Exhibitor manual. Adhering to the target schedule is critical for the effective move in/out of the show. If you miss your target date, there is a late charge of $17.80/cwt., based upon a 200lb. minimum.
Can I still hand-carry my materials?
Of course, you can hand-carry your display materials, but you don’t have to. Material handling is now affordable and is included when you purchase your space.
What happens if I order a custom rental exhibit, which previously included material handling?
Your material handling is now paid for up front at the rate of $3.95/sq.ft. at the time you purchase your space should not be included in the price of your rental exhibit.
If you’d like a quote on a rental exhibit from Freeman, contact [email protected].
I don’t need material handling services, why do I have to pay for it?
By changing to a flat sq.ft. universally applied fee, we simplified and streamlined the management, tracking, and invoicing of the service — which is in large part what has enabled us to provide Exhibitors with unprecedented savings.
While it is true that a minority of Exhibitors now pay for a service they may not used in the past, we hope that having access to unlimited material handling will make you think differently about how and what you display to attract and engage attendees. We want you to exhibit the way you need to exhibit to generate more leads and to effectively market your products/services.
Why isn’t this just built into my space rate?
We listed the material handling cost separately to be transparent, so that you can easily evaluate the impact of the material handling fee structure.
Isn’t $3.95/sq.ft. a lot to pay for a 10’x10′ booth?
Through our collective study of Exhibitors’ past orders, we determined that Exhibitors with less than 250 sq.ft. paid an average of $5.00/sq.ft. ($500 per 10’ x 10’). Under the current model, they pay $3.95/sq.ft. ($395 per 10’ x 10’).
What are the other new programs and initiatives that NAB is planning?
Material handling is just one of the ways that NAB Show is seeking to reduce exhibitor costs and make it easier to exhibit.
Other items identified as major pain points in the study are also being addressed:
- Electric outlet prices now include materials and floor labor.
- Rigging labor rates now include basic rigging and sign hanging supplies.